The reason

do you ever have a reason to make something? well, the reason of the blog is make a space to be in touch whit people for all the world, so enjoy this stuff and sorry for the bad english!! ;)

The reason

do you ever have a reason to make something? well, the reason of the blog is make a space to be in touch whit people for all the world, son enjoy this stuff and sorry for the bad english!! ;)

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Know my contry!!!

Hi, everyone, this is the first entry for my seccion, "know my country", you know, im from Mexico, and i want to show to all the people some of the good things of it. (sorry for my horrible english, im learning it).

Well, we have a lot of forest, but in the estate of Michoacan there's a santuary of butterflies, ho come every March to our country, they come in millions and its a beautiful scene, so if you have some days free, come to this gorgeus place to see, a amazing zone, its, cheap, beautiful, funny, unique and you don't gonna forget it never!!. the time is over in 21 of march 2011!! aproach!!! in Michoacan, Mexico, the santuary is called, "Rosario".

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