The reason

do you ever have a reason to make something? well, the reason of the blog is make a space to be in touch whit people for all the world, so enjoy this stuff and sorry for the bad english!! ;)

The reason

do you ever have a reason to make something? well, the reason of the blog is make a space to be in touch whit people for all the world, son enjoy this stuff and sorry for the bad english!! ;)

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

otro dibujo mas

bueno realmente me gustaria encontrar un lugar en internet que realmente satisfaga mis ansias de saber mas sobre el dibujo, pero supongo k tendre k esperar hasta poder ingresar a una buena escuela, de todos modos les dejo mi dibu de asmita de virgo con ojos abiertos!! finalmente. espero encontrar mas info acerca del dibujo, saludos!!!

martes, 10 de enero de 2012


si hay algo k me encanta es dibujar!! aqui les dejo nos de mis personajes favoritos "albafica de piscis de los guerreros del zodiaco) hecho por mi en clase de mate, claro!! espero subir mas :)

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

Mayas and aliens= The secret?

Hi people! i have a very interesting entry now, its all about the ancient people. If you know a little bit about the Mayas and their pyramids you shoul read this.
Years ago, this people use to bring tribute to their Gods, in the old codes they used to write about Person who travel acroos the sky and down from the stars. all of they Gods down from the stars and thats because they had pyramids of the moon and the Sun.
its a fact tha they bring special tributes to the Sun, specially, in fact theres a really old ruin called "Teotihuacan" its in Mexico city, Mexico and is really visited, that pyramids was a sacred place, in honor of the sun and moon.the scientist say tha the first persons whoe lived there strangely dissapear, and then the aztecs lived there, the aztec believed that in teotihuacan lived giants ands that's not a discarted option for the scientist. if you go to mexico city you can't go very easy, but that pyramids are not the most misteryous of México, they have a looot of fantasy places, but the most misteryous is maybe "Chichen Itza" in Palenque, Chiapas,(one of the new seven wonders) México in that place there's a pyramid, sacred, in the inside theres a sepulcre with the image of "Pakal" is the image of a man looking up, with controls in his hands sitting in a trone, the inscriptions around him simbolize the stars, the moon and the sun, the scientist who look in the sepulcre found a Egypt-obelisque and they don't know why.
Every summer, the pyramid is visitaded because in the summer solstice, just when the sun is in the right place, you can see the shadow of a Snake down from the pyramid stairs, that snakes represents "quetzalcoatl" tha maya God, its incredible how they make that pyramid in the right place, and with the right shape, to do that effect, i dont think an actual arquitect can do that now. It need a lots of calcules and knowledge of astronomy, i don't know why they knew about that.
Finally a lot of scientist don't think that the world will end in 2/12/2012 because the Mayas don't said that. They just end their calendary in that date beacause they simbolize the end of an era, and the coming of a big event.
well that the information, but anyway you can think whatever you want, and remember if you want mistery visit México, and go to the mayas places. enjoy this pictures :)

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

There's an alien in me...

Hi everyone!! there's a lot of time without an entry, but i had so many problems last days, emotionals, sincerily, like you read before, im from México, i live in a little town and im on high school, but for me, it's really difficult the school, you know, im like the freak here, hahaha, i kwow it sounds funny, but i don't have so many friends, but thanks god my friends are kind and cool, and they know me perfectly, so im happy to have only 4 friends but real.
So that was just one of my problems, anyway i think that a lot of person suffer this. I was listening songs of a band that i really like, is called, Tokio Hotel and i have to admit something, without their soung, probably i were depressed right now. And i don't think they realised how much the mean to me and for billion of persons, but anywhere they go i hope they keep making songs, because they help persons like me. If you feel like me you should listen their songs, i was listening: "Alien" "screamin" "noise" "Strange" "zoom" "phantomrider and geisterfahrer(german version)" and "humanoid" for they last album. and i listened to "by your side" and "black".
other thing i do for feel better is practice piano, yes is my hobby and writing, oh guys! when i finish my own book, i hope publish it, is one of my dreams :)

Anyway here is the real entry

Im gonna left my town and move to Puebla city for University, and i want to talk a little bit about the beatiful city, is very visited for US and german tourist, because its beatiful, cheap, historic and hve a loooot of places to go. i promised share it all about it, but i wanted tu use my very own photos and i just have three right know.
One place to go is the historic center, one of this photo is of a really olds house, people say its witched, have and spanish style, because years ago, a spanish family lived there, people ay that sometimes you can hear beats and people screaming, O.o creepy.
And the other picture is of a large build called "El parian" you cand fid a loooot of stuff, mexican hand-made thing, they're original and beautiful, you cand find clothes, toys, jewerly, etc

so i hope you enjoy the entry, and if you feel like an alien too you can put your experience on a comment! :D
with all my love


miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


bueno, ayer fue dia de las madres!! y me imagino que muuuchas recibieron rosas en su dia, y que hacer con ellas?? esperar que se marchiten?? nooo, hacemos una ensalada!! sii, muy sana y muy buena, aqui va la receta!

1/4 taza de Agua de rosas.
1/4 taza de Miel de abeja.
1/4 taza jugo de limón.
1/2 docena de rosas de diferentes colores.
1/2 taza de Nueces de castilla picadas no molidas.( la nuez de cascara delgada,de preferencia )
3 tallos de Apio en cortes transversales no lo piquen, que queden las rebanadas muy delgaditas y sesgaditas.

En un tazón pequeño, combinene el agua de rosas con la miel, y el jugo de limón.
Quita los pétalos a 3 de las rosas y cortalos en tercios.
En un bowl revuelve los pétalos, la nuez y el apio.
Agrega el aderezo.
Adorna con el resto de los pétalos los platos, blancos de preferencia a tu gusto, pon un motivo verde al fondo y sirve, una receta para enamorados.( si puedes espolvorea con Ajonjolí negro, también se llama semilla de Sesamo or sesame seed no street )


lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Por eso te decía que: tatatatatatatatata!!!!

XD se que ellos se entienden.

Comentario de "Agua para Elefantes"

Gente, Gente!! disculpenme!!! No he subido, no por que no quiera, sino por diversos obstaculos, primero, no tenia internet, luego me emfermo, luego ando de viaje, pero bueno, aqui ya de regreseo, y esta vez preparada, quiero hablar de una pelicula que vi apenas, se llama Agua para Elefantes (water for elephants)Basada en la novela, relata la historia de Jacob (Robert pattinson), un universitario a punto de graduarse de Médico veterinario, recibe una terrible noticia: sus padres sufrieron un accidente.

Jacob tiene que abandonar sus planes y su vida, para caminar por un incierto camino, en él, decide  subirse a un tren que va pasando, se da cuenta que se ha subido a un tren de circo...

Esta historia me gustó por que es buena historia, es muy romantica y el elefante Rosie, roba el corazón, lo que no me gust es que puede llegar a ser tediosa y bueno Robert pattinson hace un mismo papel de enamorado en esta pelicula tal y como lo conocemos, en mi opinion creo que deberian variar un poco lo romántico con él, creo que puede dar más. Es una pelicula linda, no maravillosa, pero linda al fin.

"La vida es el show mas espectacular del mundo"